Naruto 510 Prediction By Sensei-Q

On Monday, September 13, 2010 0 comments

510: Angel’s Judgement
The suffocating Darkness..and the bitter salvation that comes with it..~
Tobi: (What is she trying to pull off)
Konan: Nagato made me swear never resort to this jutsu no matter what the situation may be. *she makes a never-before-seen handsign*
Tobi: What are you planning to do, now?
Konan: !!!
*Paper needles are shot at him from the front*
Tobi: You think this is going to finish me off?! Think again!
*The needles go straight through his torso*
Tobi: Girl, you’ve underestimated me. Now, tell me where you hid the Rinnegan.
Konan: Never!
*The big ravine grows even bigger and the side walls grow bigger and almost conceal Tobi from all sides*
Tobi: What..! *Sharingan-notice*
Tobi: So that’s what you’re doing, huh.
Konan: Paper Style: Paper Prison!
*The large walls cover Tobi and form into a sphere*
Konan: *pant* Now, to finish you off for good.. !
*Konan crosses her arms in a self-hugging kind of way, as the papersphere shrinks at a rapid rate into a sphere with a ~3m diameter*
Konan: Release!
*The paper sphere explodes*
Naruto: Man, am I lucky I got out of that bubble in time. I could’ve suffocated!
Yamato: All of this was for nothing. We lost the scroll anyway.
Aoba: Look at it from the bright side. One of their last few, and best members is dead. We didn’t fail on that part.
Bee: Motha-fucka! Akatsuki took the scroll. Now they know how we roll!
*Aoba, Bee and Yamato are seen comically arguing about the scroll and their fail, while Gai is 10m away from them, looking surprised at something*
Gai: Hoy, Naruto! What’s wrong?
Naruto: Something’s wrong. I can feel it. I wish I knew what it was.
*Naruto looks at his hand palm and see’s one of his tomoe tattoo’s glowing on it*
(Hidden Rain)
*The water has turned back to normal, but thousands of pieces of paper are floating on the water, while Konan is lying down somewhere in the distance, with the left side of her head and torso has disintegrated into paper, falling apart slowly*
Konan: I did it… Nagato, Yahiko…Naruto..
*From Konan’s perspective: Her vision starts to blur, and she starts to blink her eyelids slower, as she turns her face to the cliff edge in the distance, where she, Danzou and Hanzo used to stand a long time ago*
Konan: Is.. that you, Nagato? *She blinks a bit more to clear the blur so she can see who is standing on the edge of the cliff*
*The mysterious figure is revealed to us from a same angle as this one,
Naruto 510 Prediction By Sensei-Q
and is covered in a black cloak, not revealing its identity to us*
Konan: No….it can’t….
*Konan starts to sweat heavily, as her eyes imply the worst*
*The mysterious person’s hand appears from the sleeve. The hand looks really old, but the mysterious person makes a hard fist as the fist trembles, implying pure anger and hatred. Right after that panel, the water surrounding Konan starts to bubble and condense as if it was in contact with fire*
Konan: Do it now… *faints*
It ends with Konan lying fainted on the water, half disintegrated into paper


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