Naruto 509 Spoilers And Predictions

On Monday, September 13, 2010 0 comments

Naruto 509 Spoilers And Predictions
Naruto 509: Konan’s Deadly Art!!
Madara: I will give you one last chance!! Give me the location of Nagato’s body Or else I will force it out of you!!
Konan: Nagato warned me about this possible outcome, But you underestimate truly what Nagato was capable of!!.
The rain clears and the sun shines through to reveal Two fierce Shinobi about to clash, For one of them, it will be the last!!
Madara: No matter,
( Madara warps to Konan’s side and grabs her arm, only to realize she is only a paper clone, As the clone disperses into hunderds of shreds of paper, they All harden themselves like steel and strike Madaras position)
Madara: You will have to be faster than that if you want to impale my body!!.
Konan: ( Nagato, Thank you for giving me your gift to use against Madara, You always wanted to keep me out of harms way so I hope this works!!)
Madara: Konan, I see you hiding in the water, I would prefer a battle above water if you dont mind!!
Nagato’s conversation with Konan:
Nagato: Konan, When I die, I need you to be aware of Madara!!
Konan: Please dont speak like this Nagato!!
Nagato: You have to be prepared for the worst, I feel my end draws near and with Madara involved He will desire my eyes!! But he must never have them!! I fear the worst when it comes to him!!
Konan: What should I do if it comes down to this?
Nagato: I will implant the most dangerous technique these eyes have opened to me, into your eyes!! But keep in mind You must look into both of Madara’s eyes to make sure the technique is a success!!
Konan: you never told me of such a technique? what is it capable of ?
Nagato: Just like how I can bring life back , I can forceably take it out and seal it within my eyes. This technique will allow you to literally suck the remaining Life force out of Madara when you lock eyes with both of his eyes!! No matter if he is made solid or intangable the technique is perfect and it is the perfect jutsu to use against his abilities!!.
Konan: What if he tries to use Tsuykyomi on me!!,
Nagato: Do not fear, with my ocular powers inside you, Not even Madara’s strongest genjutsu can fool you!!.
Back to the fight:
Konan: As you wish Madara!! ( I must find a way to remove his mask so I can see both his eyes!!, but for now let me engage him!!
Konan: Come attack me if you dare!!
Madara: ( That is a lethal attack!! She most likely has used her waterelement to cause her paper jutsu to be clear and translucent so I cannot see where it is, and she knows not to attack me until I try and attack her!! )
Madara: You think a paper cut can harm me!! ( Madara teleports again to Konan’s side, and just before he can grab her, the translucent paper does not aim for his body, But it all goes to knocking of Madara’s Mask!!!)
Madara: WHAT??
Konan: Nagato, I will make you proud!!!!, Give me your life now !!!!!
Madara: What is this, You have Nagato’s Rinnengan!!! What technique is this I feel myself losing Life, NOOOOOO…
Madara: This cant be , I need to stop this NOW!!!, ( Madara Activates his version of Susanoo and A Huge Monster that looks more like a Devil with Horns Erupts to try and disrupt the Life being drawn from Madara. But instead the Rinnengan Sucks in Susanoo into the eyes and continues on the life force of Madara!!.)
Madara: AHHHH I cant even Teleport out of this Jutsu!! Your Blasted Rinnengan is keeping locked in here!!!
( Finally resulting in Madara falling over dead!!!!)
Konan: Finally !! Maybe this will bring peace to the world now!!
As silences falls, Suddenly!!!…….
Madara: Did you like that version Konan?
Konan: WHAT!!! NOOO HOW CAN THIS BE!!!! ( all of that was a GENJUTSU!! IMPOSSIBLE!!)
Madara: I was there when Nagato implanted that Dangerous technique into your eyes, and I learned the basics of the technique while he was implanting into your eyes, and soo it took me a few months to devise a way around it but since I saw the technique being created , These eyes of mine were able to see everything!!.
But now that I have been inside your brain, I know exactly where to find Nagato, and I no longer need you alive!!.
Madara: AMATERASU!!!
Konan: Nooooo!!!! ahhhhhh


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